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There's nothing quite like the magic of the silver screen.

What advancements in technology have enabled filmmakers to do is nothing short of incredible.

The scope and variety of film and television (not to mention streaming services) productions is thrilling for me as an actor; after all, variety is the spice of life.

But to say that this industry is difficult is a major understatement. 


In 2010, when I was deployed on border protection operations with the Navy up around Cairns, Darwin and Christmas Island*, my Commanding Officer asked me why on earth I would want to give up my naval career to be an actor. At the time, we were standing on the port (left) bridgewing of the Patrol Boat, cruising through the beautiful Whitsunday Islands at dusk; it was balmy, calm and nothing short of breathtaking. I looked up at the stars beginning to twinkle in the darkening sky and said: 'Because, Sir, as an actor, I can be a naval officer. And then I can be an astronaut. And then a ninja. And then a medieval queen. And then a superhero. And then a cop, or a crook, or both! And then, perhaps, a cat, or a dragon. I will not be bound by uniform, rank or postings. My creativity and imagination will not be restricted by hierarchical order.'

He looked at me for a moment, considered my response and said: 'Nope. I still don't get it.' 


Being a naval officer, navigating warships, deploying to the Middle East, defending Australia

and her national interests - none of that was easy, but all of it was rewarding. 

I didn't pursue a naval career in order to be an Admiral, or to get lots of medals;

I sought adventure, danger, challenge, significance and a purpose higher than myself.

Similarly, I don't pursue acting for fame and fortune, but for the personal satisfaction of enriching the lives of others through storytelling. 

Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. 



* Christmas Island, for those who don't know, is a geological wonder; an island made mostly of phosphate (bird poop) and home to some of the earth's most frightening crabs. It is an Australian Territory, yet it is much closer to Indonesia than our shores. It is 135km squared and surrounded by water 3-5km deep. It was named on Christmas Day in 1643, but not settled until the late 19th Century. It is home to beautiful flora and fauna and various human ethnicities. I have had the pleasure of visiting it (or, at least, the waters around it) in every ship I have been posted to.

On not one of those trips did I see reindeer, Santa, figgy pudding or anything resembling a gift.

Definitely a misnomer. 

Kat Baldwin Showreel

Kat Baldwin Showreel
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Kat Baldwin Showreel
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Kat Baldwin Showreel

'Wentworth S08' - Protection Inmate #1
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'Wentworth S08' - Protection Inmate #1

Shoulder to Shoulder, Always
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Shoulder to Shoulder, Always

Australian Prison Drama
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Australian Prison Drama

Navy Documentary - 'Discover NEOC'
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Navy Documentary - 'Discover NEOC'

'Halifax: Retribution' - SOG Sergeant - KAT BALDWIN
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'Halifax: Retribution' - SOG Sergeant - KAT BALDWIN

Dramedy (UK) - Fed-up Lady - full scene.mp4
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Dramedy (UK) - Fed-up Lady - full scene.mp4

Post-apocalyptic Drama (US) - full scene
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Post-apocalyptic Drama (US) - full scene

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